System Development Fees
Green Mountain Water and Sanitation District’s System Development Fees (SDF) are determined using the American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) Buy-In method, along with the Replacement Cost New (RCN) approach for system valuation.
The District has identified several areas of concern regarding available capacity. To address these concerns, GMWSD is currently conducting flow monitoring and updating our hydraulic models to gain a comprehensive understanding of the District’s capacity. During this period, development in certain areas may be restricted until the necessary assessments are completed.
Water Service lines/Meter Size | SFREs | Fee |
5/8"x 3/4" or 3/4" | 1 | $17,124.00 |
1" | 3 | $51,372.00 |
1-1/2" | 6 | $102,744.00 |
2" | 15 | $154,115.00 |
3" | 17 | $291,107.00 |
Fees for taps larger than 3” will be Determined by the Board of Directors
Regardless of meter/service size, the development fee for Duplexes, ADU & Multi-Family Residential unit shall not be less than one SDF per unit.
Fee Per EQR | $11,212.00 |
Each customer of the system will be charged a minimum of 1 EQR for purposes of establishing fixed costs.
The fee per Single Family Home, for each Duplex, ADU & Multi Family residential unit, and other user classes shall be in accordance with the Equivalent Residential Unit (EQR) Schedule found below.
For the setting of certain fees the District has adopted an Equivalent Residential Unit Schedule. The base for this schedule is an average detached single-family residence, or its equivalent.
Equivalents shall be established on an individual basis for all users other than those identified in the below classifications.
Industrial users will be subject to the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency as those requirements pertain to assessment of user’s charges and cost recovery.
Single-family Residential Units:
- Single-family homes, individually billed mobile homes, mobile homes on single lots, mobile homes established for permanent residences. Note: Rental privileges of all kinds are prohibited.
- 1.0 EQR Per
Multi-family Residential Units:
- Apartments, Accessory Dwelling Units, condominiums, duplexes, townhouses, and similar facilities in the same complex, small cabins in courts not associated with motels; all units intended for long-term rental or ownership.
- Small sized unit. Shall not have more than 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom.
- Medium sized unit. Shall not have more than 2 bedrooms or 2 bathrooms.
- Large sized unit. Shall not have more than 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bathrooms.
- Any larger single unit.
- 1.0 EQR Per Uint
Transient Residential Unites:
Hotels, motels, mobile home parks, dormitories and similar facilities.
- Manager’s Unit (per each)
- 0.8 EQR
- Motels, hotels and rooming houses without kitchen
- with not more than 2 bed spaces per room (per each rental room)
- 0.2 EQR
- with more than 2 bed spaces per room (per each room)
- 0.35 EQR
- with not more than 2 bed spaces per room (per each rental room)
Note: Includes: laundry facilities in mobile homes; swimming pools and laundry facilities (except those in mobile homes) are additive; room counts shall include rooms furnished to employees. Each billing unit shall have a minimum of one Manager’s unit.
- Motels with kitchen facilities
- with not more than 2 bed spaces per unit (per each rental unit)
- 0.3 EQR
- with more than 2 bed spaces per unit (per each rental unit)
- 0.4 EQR
- with not more than 2 bed spaces per unit (per each rental unit)
- Dormitories (per each rental bed space)
- 0.1 EQR
- Add for laundry facilities (or available hookup) in each building, % of total EQR served.
- +20% EQR
- Mobile homes in park – with laundry
- 0.80 EQR/space
Restaurants and Bars:
Restaurants, bars, lounges, banquet rooms and drive-ins
- Restaurants and bars
- 1.0 EQR Per 10 Seats
- Banquet Rooms
- 0.4 EQR Per 10 Seats
- Drive-ins
- 0.3 EQR Per Car Stall
- Drive thru take out service window
- 0.5 EQR
Commercial Buildings:
Office buildings, retail sales buildings, multiple use buildings, Laundromats, service stations, shops, garages and similar facilities.
- Offices and office buildings
- 0.5 EQR per 1,000 sf of gross floor area
- Retail sales area
- 0.3 EQR (per 1,000 sf of gross usable area, includes sales, storage and support areas, but not including food service (which is separately assessed)
- Laundromats
- 1.20 EQR per washing machine
- Service Stations (a set of pumps is defined as 2 pumps regardless of the number of hoses) •
- first set of pumps
- 1.2 EQR •
- each additional set of pumps
- 0.8 EQR per seat
- add for each bay/rack where cars can be washed
- 1.4 EQR
- Non-retail work areas such as garages, machine shops.
- 0.7 EQR per each 10 employees
- Movie theaters
- 1.0 EQR per each 50 seats
- first set of pumps
Note: No process water will be allowed to enter the sewer.
- 1.0 per 100 seats
Notes: Rectories, social areas with kitchen facilities are separately assessed additive.
Day care centers, public and private day schools:
- Without gym and without cafeteria
- 1.40 EQR per 50 students
- Without gym and with cafeteria or with gym and without cafeteria
- 1.75 EQR per 50 students
- Without gym and with cafeteria
- 2.10 EQR per 50 students
Notes: Includes teachers, librarians, custodians, and administrative personnel associated with the school function; administrative centers, warehouses equipment (such as buses) repair and/or storage centers, swimming pools and similar facilities are separately assessed additive.
Swimming pools and wading pools
Commercial and public pools. Total EQR to be computed from pool volume and per capital capacity as follows:
- first 40,000 gallons of pool volume
- 1.05 EQR
- each additional 40,000 gallon capacity
- 0.75 EQR
Notes: A permanent sign must be placed prominently at all pool filter installations stating that pools are not to be drained without permission from the District Manager, that pool draining rates will be subject to approval of the District, and that draining shall be limited to the hours between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. the next day.
Recreational Vehicle Waste Disposal Stations
The operator of the disposal facility shall provide a means acceptable to the District of counting the number of times the disposal facilities are used.
The District shall review and approve charges made to users of dumping facilities by facility owners; no system development fees will be assessed for camper dump facilities, and the District reserves the right to cease service to such facilities at any time.
Medical Hospital
- 0.6 EQR per bed
Note: Includes staff and administrative personnel associated with the hospital function.
Assisted Living Facility
- 0.4 EQR per unit
Public Restrooms
0.2 EQR per toilet or urinal