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Residential: Rates

2025 Residential Rates

Paying your bill is an investment in the District’s future to ensure that we can continue to provide you and future generations the high-quality service you deserve.

Water Charge:

Charges are calculated based on the water used multiplied by the applicable rate(s) set
forth below and new water rates take starting January 1, 2025.

Residential Rates:0-16,000 gallons$6.97/1000 gallons
17,000-50,000 gallons$7.80/1000 gallons
51,000+ gallons$8.72/1000 gallons
Multi-Family and ADU Rates:0-8,000 gallons$6.97/1000 gallons
9,000-25,000 gallons$7.80/1000 gallons
 26,000 + gallons$8.72/1000 gallons
(3 units or more) Tiers are allowed usage per unit/per tier

Sewer Charge:

Charges are based on the usage multiplied by the applicable rate(s) set forth below. Bi- Monthly sewer charges for residential homes are calculated based on the water consumption indicated in the first winter billing of the previous year. This helps to avoid charging customers water used for outside irrigation on their sewer bills.

For example: Water consumption for January or February 2024 = 10k gallons. Bi-Monthly sewer rate for 2025 = $55.40=(10 x $5.54).

New sewer rates take effect on January 1, 2025.

Residential Rate$5.54/1000 gallons
Tamarisk Sub-Division Lift Station$5.54/1000 gallons + $9.50 lift station surcharge per billing
Multi-Family and ADU Rate$6.05/1000 gallons
Tamarisk Sub-Division Multi-Family Rate$56.05/1000 gallons + $9.50 lift station surcharge per billing
Fossil Ridge Rate$6.93/1000 gallons

 Service Fee:

Residential$39.30 per billing
Multi-Family and ADU Rate$19.65 per unit per billing rates above
Fossil Ridge$26.52 per SFRE per billing
Tamarisk Subdivision Lift Station$39.30 per billing
Note: Duplexes are charged service fees per dwelling unit 

Infrastructure Replacement Fee:

Residential$20.00 per billing
Multi-Family and ADU Rate$10.00 per unit per billing
Commercial$10.00 per SFRE per billing
Irrigation$10.00 per SFRE per billing