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Bio: Karen Morgan

Board Experience:

1. Green Mountain Water and Sanitation Board, Director, 2020-Present

2. Green Mountain Civic Association, Board Member 2020-Present

3. Lakewood Advisory Commission, Commissioner 2020-Present

4. Jeffco School Accountability Committee, Chair 2016-2018

I have been a resident of Lakewood for 27 years, raised a family here, and earned a Master’s degree in geology from the Colorado School of Mines. I remain an active and concerned GMWSD customer who is currently completing a 3-year elected term on the GMWSD board.

I am proud of my first-term accomplishments, which include:

· Establishing a personal website to keep our residents informed on District matters, and I have challenged the District to do the same.

· Encouraging the City of Lakewood to assume its fair share of the responsibility for 3 pedestrian bridges that would have closed without city cooperation.

· Focusing attention on the importance of addressing imminent, long-neglected financial issues which are crucial to repair our aging infrastructure.

· Co-sponsoring a resolution to make our bidding process more transparent

· Continuing the fight against developers who use our district as a profit center for their own financial dealings located outside of our district.

You deserve someone who will listen to you and fight against outside interests. I will be that person, and I commit to serve with time and energy to protect our residents, safeguard our financial responsibilities, and protect our precious natural resources.